Emcure Pharma Stock Price: Latest News and Historical Charts
Emcure Pharmace Stock Price
Get all the latest information on Emcure Pharmace stock price, including historic price charts and analysis. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and events that could impact the stock price.
Emcure Pharma IPO
Emcure Pharma's IPO was a main-board IPO of 193,653,46 equity shares with a face value of 10, aggregating up to 19,520.3 crores. The issue was priced at 960 to 970 per share.
Emcure Pharma Stock Price Today
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Emcure Pharma Shareholding Pattern
Thapar holds 63.39 lakh shares of Emcure Pharma, which represents a 35% stake in the company.